Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dreams and Latent Learning

I have had a dream before that involved me running away from a tiger and coming to an edge of a cliff and falling off. It is said the tiger represents a sense of leadership and you need to step up. The cliff suggests you are in a situation in your life that is a big important decision.
My second dream was about a bigger man who was after my family, and we escaped in a car. The car represents even in a pleasent mood, you still maybe restless and uneasy. Seeing the man represents I have been lossing my identity.
Finally my last dream was about I shot a big deer with my bow. Hunting indicates that I'm seeking for some inner emotional or physical desire. The bow shows the accomplishments of your goals in life.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Little Albert

1. Yes the experiment supported there Hypothesis, they said that when having an object create an emotion, showing them a object later that was formarly neutral but similar will create a emotional reaction that was the same as the first. This is supported by the experiment because Albert paired the fear of rats with anything white and fuzzy.
2. Albert became generalized because he began to pair all white and fuzzy objects together which created a fear for him.
3.They were used because he made him think of happy and good experiences whenever assosiated with the rabbit. After doing this Peter started to like rabbits because he thought of only good things when around him, eliminating th fear.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I believe there are no kinds of okay bullying. I think you can joke around with your friends and make jokes, but you cant take to a point of where its bullying. I think my eyes were opened a little by some of the things verboomen talked about, such as how drama affects bullying so much. A student could improve the school bullying by not making judgement so fast and get to know the person before just assuming things about them. Also people could step in and try and stop bullying when seeing it and try and help them work it out.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Twilight zone

I was not very surprised at the end, because I thought it was very predictable. I had a feeling the person that was 'gross' was actually going to look normal in our standards and the 'normal' people were going to look nasty. Beauty is subjective because it is all based on opinion. This also would make it changeable because peoples opinions are always changing. Beautiful is being in good physical shape, and having confindence in yourself. This is realistic I think because you can work to have both of these things.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Role playing

In class when I was labeled the teachers pet my thinking was altered a little bit. I began to try a little harder and listen more, just to please the teachers. I dont think I completely changed but I saw some differences. Also I would do favors without even thinking about it I just did it.

Stanford Prison Study

I believe that prisoner 8612 changed the most from this study. He was willing to pretend to go crazy just to get out of this fake prison. He was really concerned about what was happening and he was willing to change himself completely. Other people changed throughout the experiment but the thing about 8612 was he changed so quickly, he was the first person to actually change himself to fit the role of this prison. Others began to change after this, but I really believe he opened the gate for the others to change themselves as well. I thought this experiment was never a good idea. Right from the start it sounds like it could easily go bad. People would changed to make there lives easier or better. And others wouldn't change because of there dignity.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jung Typology Test

Your Type is
Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
22 12 12 22

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Big 5 (ocean)

Openness to Experience/Intellect
        High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
         You prefer traditional and familiar experiences.     (Your percentile: 10)
        High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
         You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.     (Your percentile: 35)
        High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
         You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.     (Your percentile: 79)
        High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
         You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.     (Your percentile: 44)
        High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
         You probably remain calm, even in tense situations.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Walter Freeman

I believe that Walter is not a mad man but not a good doctor either. I think some of the things he was doing was wrong but for his time he was just trying to be helpful to people. There were no right ways set in stone so he was just trying to help people to the best of his ability. He was not a good doctor though because what he was going actually was not helping his patients in the long run at all. I find the procedure to be inhuman however at the time right away he was getting good results. So if you were getting good results why would you stop if you truly thought you were helping people. So in all honestly I believe he was neither a good doctor or a man mad. This procedure does not even seem medical to me. It seems like hes just messing with your brain in hope of good results. So these lobotomies never had medical evidence to back up what they were doing. I just think Walter got caught up in the quick results not the long term results. So he was not a mad man but certainly not a good doctor by any means. 
The Lobotomist- This was all about the procedures doctors performed to try and cure mentally insane people. Walter felt like he was really helping people whether that was really true or not is totally opinionated.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Terrell Owens

Terrell Owens makes many interesting and weird decisions.

For instance he holds out from going to practice because he believes he will get more attention. This would be considered a Behavior Perspective because from prior experiences he got a lot of attention from espn. So he has learned he will get more publisity if he does not go to training camp (practice.)

Terrel Owens thinks he is the best wide reciever in football so he believes he can do whatever he wants. For example because he scored a touchdown he thinks he can do any celebration he wants and there wont be any conciquences because of who he is. Terrell also sees the world as though it revolves around him, so everything he is doing or not doing is okay with people.

Social Cultural
Now that the NFL is starting to evolve into more people thinking they can do whatever they want, Terrell is thinking more than ever what he is doing is right. He sees other football players holding out or just not showing up for there practices and he thinks its a common thing to do. Terrel also never grew up with a whole lot of money so he has the impulsion to just buy anything he desires now that he has a lot of money.

Terrell grew up with parents who let him do whatever he wanted. So now that he is grown up he unconciously does not know where the line is because he never learned that there is one. He thinks being the way he is (being a disruption to the team, thinking about himself, and not respecting anyone) is the right thing to do.

Terrell Owens did not get a lot of love or attention when he was a child, so now he feels like when he acts out of line people notice him and he sees it in a loving way. He does not know how to be loves and that is what just plan old attention is.

Terrell Owens holds out from going to practice because he gets a rush on seeing how long he can do it for without getting into to much trouble. He gets anxious in this situation because his brain releases endorphins making him happy when he gets in situations like these. He also gets a rush when he sees the football in the air making him become more athletic to catch the ball. The Occipital lobe is responsible for the visual aspect of your brain.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who i am

Hi I'm Derek and i really enjoy sports. I only play baseball but i like to play all kinds of other ones as well. I really enjoy the outdoors and just being outside. Im a pretty big hunter and fisher so thats maybe I really like being outside. Also movies that make me think I really enjoy watching. I also like to play video games sometimes. Im not huge into it but it can be fun if your playing with other people. So that pretty much wraps me up on what i enjoy.